+36 1 224 6700
List of Authors Page: 6
Abbreviations Pages: 7–9
Foreword Page: 11
Observations about the settlement network in the period between the end of the Early and the start of the Late Bronze Age in northwestern Hungary (Győr-Moson-Sopron County, Hungary) Eszter Melis Pages: 13–51
Complex archaeological research of a Bronze Age hillfort and a medieval village at Székesfehérvár-Börgönd (Hungary) Ágnes Kolláth – Ágnes Kovács – Adrián Berta – Ákos Ekrik – Bianka Gina Kovács – Zsófia Nádai Pages: 53–101
On both sides of the border: defense and cooperation. Archaeological research of the Árpád Age borders of the Kingdom of Hungary Péter Langó – Miklós Takács Pages: 103–130
Landscape, settlements, and environment around Tata Castle in the Middle Ages Bianka Gina Kovács – Máté Róbert Merkl – Richárd Schmidtmayer – Katalin Julianna Szilvási – Ferenc Gyulai Pages: 131–185
Pest County and Dabas district in the Middle Ages a multidisciplinary and geospatial investigation into the problem of settlement desertion in Central Hungary László Ferenczi – Tibor Ákos Rácz Pages: 187–225
Veleg, a medieval village in the Csókakő castle domain (Fejér County, Hungary) Zsófia Bocsi – Bianka Gina Kovács – Gábor Mesterházy – Máté Stibrányi – Csilla Zatykó – Gyöngyi Kovács Pages: 227–253
Spaces and shapes. Possibilities of the research of historical landscapes with LiDAR and ALS surveys Károly Belényesy Pages: 255–278
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